Even before the desktop version of WhatsApp, users could send GIFs But now the news has come that this version of Whatatsapp will replace the button with the search button. Right now, the change in this feature is underway. It has come to the notice that now the WhitSap Web will come to the right of the Emoji button on the right-hand button. Please tell that both of these buttons will be present on the left side of the message. Apart from this, the GIF category will also be added to the search button. At the same time, the Watchers Stickers feature will also be brought to the desktop version.
WABetaInfo, a website that tracks the information related to WhatsApp, has claimed that the Whatsapp on the web is going to replace the search button, as you can see in the picture below. According to the report, users will be able to find gifs with the help of Tenor and Gefi. But in the future the GIF category will also be added.
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