How to add admob and adsense payment methods,
So in this post I am going to show you how to add payment details to your admob or adsense account after completing payment threshold!This is for Indian Banks only!
Many AdSense users will search "How to add payment details for their adsense account" after making $100 threshold, AdSense earnings are cool but when it comes to payment methods we think twice while adding it feeling that if give wrong details!
so here is the simplest way to add AdSense Payment details

Go to your bank and ask if there are any employee working for Forex transfers, if yes then you are good to go they will tell you all the details if you show your adsense payment settings.
If the bank doesn't have employee for forex transfers like me then follow these simple steps.
Just ask if they have any intermediate banks for International Wire Transfer if yes then copy those names for your adsense account.
You should also get IFSC code and SWIFT BIC number for your branch, although SWIFT BIC code is same through out the country but IFSC code is different for each single branch of banks, So don't make any mistake here.
And.... that's it you don't need anything else just enter the above mentioned details in the adsense or admob payment methods and you get the payment everiy 21st of the month.
For the first time of payment you might have to fill up the DISPOSAL INSTRUCTION FORM in your bank for approving FOREX TRANSFERS!
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